Building Healthy Families: Parents, grandparents and pew buddies—the season of Lent is one of repentance, a turning away from our sins and the things that take our focus off Jesus. When we repent, we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness, making this a fitting time to focus on confession and absolution in the worship service. For younger children, explain that this is the part of the service where we tell God we’re sorry for the things we’ve done wrong and encourage a simple, “I’m sorry, God.” At home, take time as a family to read and discuss the words we and the pastor use during this part of the service (be sure to take home a bulletin or ask if you can borrow a hymnal for a few days, if you don’t have one). Once you have confessed your sins, don’t forget to help children listen for God’s words of forgiveness in the absolution! Lutheran Family