Bethel Church Secretary—Bridget Sickelka (712) 363-4926
Lutheran Family Service Counseling 712-276-9000
Holy Communion 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays of the Month
Worship Hours
9:15 Sunday School
10:30 Worship Service
Elders: Brent Hustedt, Jeff Ebel, & Jamie Sickelka
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We welcome all of our worshipers this morning. We pray that the Holy Spirit will bless this time with an increase of faith in Jesus and love for one another. Please join us again in worship and fellowship.
Our Worship We follow Divine Service Setting 3 on page 184.
Our hymns for today 346, 407, 594, and 601.
Communion Statement Here at Bethel Lutheran Church, with our church body, the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS), practice closed communion. That means that since we believe that in the Lord's Supper, we receive the Lord's True Body and His True Blood, we reserve the supper for those who have been baptized, and are also confirmed members of the LCMS. If you are currently not a confirmed member of the LCMS, we welcome you to participate by coming forward during the distribution with your arms crossed over your chest, and receive a blessing. If this is your first time communing with us, or you believe you should be able to receive the Lord's Supper here, please speak with the pastor or one of the elders beforehand.
Our Response to God’s Love:
With our attendance last Sunday 49 Communed 47
With our offerings to the Lord: Loose $1,345.00 General Fund $1,295.00 Mission $69.00 IDW $50.00 Christian Outreach $50.00 Care Pkgs $10.00 Total $2,819.00
Our adopted mission project for 2024 is $2,000 for Zion-St. John Lutheran School of Paullina for religious curriculum. We hold this ministry in our prayers and pray the Holy Spirit to move our hearts to support them.
With our prayers for the sick and hurting: Roman Fulkerson, Sara Sickelka, Janie Ebel, Norma Hill, Ron Waggoner, Marilyn Fiddelke, Elaine Waggoner, and Delmar Sickelka.
Hospitalizations: Please call Pastor David Matthews if you or someone from the congregation is in the hospital.
If you have any questions, concerns, prayer needs, or need of help please call one of the following:
Dwane Riedemann 712-260-1891
Jamie Sickelka 712-363-0301
Jeff Ebel 712-260-2513
Brent Hustedt 712-363-0229
Pastor David Matthews 417-318-1021
Installation: Today at 4:00 pm will be the installation of Pastor David Matthews and Pastor Don Meyer here at Bethel Lutheran Church. Refreshments will be served afterwards. Join us in welcoming Pastor Matthews and his family to our church family. Thank the Lord for listening and answering our prayers.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:19-20
Church Council Meeting: Wednesday, January 15, at 7:00 pm is Church Council Meeting. Please have your items to Bridget by Wednesday noon so that they can be added to the agenda. Thank you.
Thank You: Pastor Matthews and his wife would like to thank everyone who helped unpack the U-Haul truck and also to who stayed and helped move furniture afterwards. They would also want to express gratitude to the individuals who provided meals throughout these first few weeks that they have been here.
Bible Study: Starting next Sunday, January 19th at 4:00 pm, in the church narthex, will be a new Bible Study. It is an 8-week bible study entitled “The Wellness Revelation” – lose what weighs you down so you can love God, yourself and others. The bible study is hosted by Tonya and Christian Outreach. Please contact Tonya at 712-229-7008 if you would like to attend so that she can order you a book.
Greeters: There is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board for times to be a greeter for church. Please consider signing up for a couple Sundays. This is a great opportunity to Smile and say “good morning” to members and visitors to make them feel welcomed. Greeters are the first thing people see when walking into a church and the first impression of a church for visitors.
Sydney Sickelka
Hudson Oolman
Dan Waggoner
Carol Wittrock
During the Old Fashion Christmas, Bethel won 1st place for our decorated tree. That money will go towards painting within the church.
For the 2024 year, the church provided 57 care packages to members and the community. God Bless and Thank You to Christian Outreach for this wonderful service. It makes people feel appreciated and welcomed by our church.
Friendship Sunday: Sunday, February 16th, will be Friendship Sunday. We are asking members to bring in a friend – coworker – relative – neighbor – member(s) of the church who haven’t been to church in a while – etc. – someone or persons who don’t attend our church. We would like to invite them to worship with us and enjoy the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Friendship Potluck: After the church service on February 16th, we invite our friends to stay and have a potluck dinner with us. Enjoy fellowship time with all.
“High Five” Day: Friday, February 28th, help us give “High Fives” to the children at SOS Elementary in Primghar before school starts. Also, that day we will be providing breakfast for the staff at 7:30am.
Pre-Lent Taco Dinner: Sunday, March 2, after the church service, Christian Outreach is having their annual Pre-Lent Taco/Nacho Dinner. Please join us for fellowship and looking towards the time of year on Christ’s mission to salvation for all.
Camp Okoboji Events for January
Ice Fishing Retreat at Camp Okoboji: Jan24-26 Come enjoy a weekend of ice fishing, devotions, Bible Studies and friendship! Open to families of all ages - anyone who loves fishing or wants to learn. Call the office at 712-337-3325 to make your reservation.
Family Fun Fest: Winter Games at Camp Okoboji, on January 25th from 10:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. Family entertainment including inflatables, S’mores station, cookie decorating, sledding hill (weather permitting), indoor yard games and lunch.
March 5
Ash Wednesday
March 12
Mid-Week Lenten
March 19
Mid-Week Lenten
March 26
Mid-Week Lenten
April 2
Mid-Week Lenten
April 9
Mid-Week Lenten
April 13
Palm Sunday/Confirmation
April 17
Maundy Thursday
April 18
Good Friday – LYC
April 20
Easter Sunrise
April 20
Easter Morning
Continue to watch your bulletins and church calendars for times of the services.
Tuesdays during Lent Season will again have a “Lent Soup and Devotion Luncheon”. Each church of the community will have take turns hosting. From 11:30am-12:00pm serving soup, from 12:00pm to 12:30pm is the Devotional, then from 12:30pm to 1:00 pm serving soup. Please join us for these special Lenten Luncheons.