
Transfiguration of Our Lord – March 2, 2025


Bethel Lutheran Church

P.O. Box 20, 502 South Ash - Sutherland, Iowa 51058-0901

712-446-3630 Church Answering Machine

Email: bethel@midlands.net 

Website: blcsuth.360unite.com

Rev. David Matthews Jr.

Phone # (417) 318-1021

Email: revmatthews@pm.me

Pastor’s Office Hours Tues-Fri 8:30am-12:00pm 1:30pm-5:00pm

Bethel Church Secretary—Bridget Sickelka (712) 363-4926

Lutheran Family Service Counseling 712-276-9000

Holy Communion 1st, 3rd, & 5th Sundays of the Month

Worship Hours

9:15 Sunday morning Bible Study

9:15 Sunday School

10:30 Worship Service



We welcome all of our worshipers this morning. We pray that the Holy Spirit will bless this time with an increase of faith in Jesus and love for one another. Please join us again in worship and fellowship.

 Our Worship We follow Divine Service Setting 3 on page 184.

Our hymns for today 810, 414, 631, 680, 700, 814, 918.

Our Response to God’s Love:

With our attendance last Sunday: 53

With our offerings to the Lord: Loose $197.00 General Fund $830.00 Mission $79.00 Care Pkg $10.00 Total $1,116.00

Our adopted mission project for 2025 is $2,400 ($200 per month) for Noah’s Ark Daycare in Sutherland.  They have need to help with their budget due to the renovations of the new location and inspection fees.  The second Sunday of the month we take an offering for this mission project.


With our prayers for the sick and hurting: Roman Fulkerson, Sara Sickelka, Janie Ebel, Ron Waggoner, Marilyn Fiddelke, Elaine Waggoner, and Delmar Sickelka. 

Hospitalizations: Please call Rev. David Matthews Jr. if you or someone from the congregation is in the hospital.  


If you have any questions, concerns, prayer needs, or need of help please call one of the following:

Rev. David Matthews Jr. – Church Pastor                    417-318-1021

Dwane Riedemann – Church President                        712-260-1891

Jamie Sickelka – Elder                                                 712-363-0301

Jeff Ebel – Elder                                                          712-260-2513

Brent Hustedt – Elder                                                  712-363-0229






Lent Season will begin this coming Wednesday with our Ash Wednesday Service with Holy Communion at 7:00pm.  Come worship our Lord Jesus Christ as his journey begins to his suffering, death, and finally his victorious resurrection.


Quilting Group: The quilting gals will begin meeting on Tuesday’s @ 1:30 pm.  All are welcomed to help even if you don’t use a sewing machine.  You can help pin quilts or cut out squares.


Church Council Meeting: For March’s church council meeting has been moved to Thursday, March 13th @ 7:00pm.  Pastor Matthews has some scheduling conflicts on Wednesday. Thanks for understanding.

Live Streaming:  We are going to try to live stream our worship service Sunday mornings on Facebook Live.  Pastor Matthews in the next few weeks is doing some testing to make sure that the sound and picture are working on the I-Pad.  He will be then be running a test run on Facebook to get peoples comments on how the picture and sound are while watching it on the computer.  He will let the congregation know when he is ready to do the test run.


Prayer Partners:  This year we are going to try something again.  We are going to have prayer partners.  Pray for them through out the Lent Season.  Then on Easter reveal yourshelves to them either with a card or a little gift and let them know that you were praying and thinking about them during the Lent Season. 

Devotional Booklets:  There are some daily devotional booklets that you may take that have a daily devotion for the 40 days of Lent. The devotions start on Ash Wednesday and lead you through Easter Morning.  The devotional booklet is entitled “The Hand of the Lord.”  It shows how the Lord’s almighty hand can be seen over the Old Testament.  The devotional booklet can be found in the trays with the portal of prayer booklets.


Bible Studies:  Don’t forget that Bethel members are invited to join Zion members in their weekly/monthly Women’s and Men’s Bible Studies.  See our weekly calendar for times and places of these Bible Studies. 

Matthew 18:20 – “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”


Wednesday March 5 7:00pm Ash Wednesday w/ Holy Communion
Wednesday March 12 7:00 pm Mid-Week Lenten
Wednesday March 19 7:00 pm Mid-Week Lenten
Wednesday March 26 7:00 pm Mid-Week Lenten
Wednesday April 2 7:00 pm Mid-Week Lenten
Wednesday April 9 7:00 pm Mid-Week Lenten
Sunday April 13 10:00 am Palm Sunday w/Confirmation
Thursday April 17 7:00 pm Maundy Thursday
Friday April 18 7:00 pm Good Friday – LYC
Sunday April 20 7:30 am Easter Sunrise
Sunday April 20  10:30 am Easter Morning

Easter Breakfast and fellowship will follow the Easter Sunrise Service from 8:30am-9:45am.


Mid-Week Lenten Service Snack Schedule

March 12 Cody’s
March 19 Chris & Bridget Sickelka
March 26 Don & Kay Farquhar
April 2 LYC
April 9 Hersom & Lange’s



Tuesdays during Lent Season will again have a “Lent Soup and Devotion Luncheon”. Each church of the community will take turns hosting.  From 11:30am-12:00pm serving soup, from 12:00pm to 12:30pm is the Devotional, then from 12:30pm to 1:00 pm serving soup.  Please join us for these special Lenten Luncheons. 

Tuesday Lenten Soup/Devotions 

March 11 Methodist
March 18 Church of Christ
March 25 Willoway
April 1 Bethel Lutheran Church
April 8 Calumet 



Allison Harmon-Sickelka

Bob Oeffner

Shelby Johnson

Lee Cody

Lisa Huckaby

