Love Inc. of Sheldon led our LYC group, parents and friends in a Poverty Simulation tonight. The experience was very meaningful and thought provoking for everyone. It reminded us how we can reach out to people in need in our Christian family.
Thank you to Love Inc. for the great program and the students and parents willing to participate!
Pictures from Poverty Simulation
Concordia League
February 28th - Friday Night
6:00pm at Sammy's in Spencer
7:30pm - Spencer Community Theater "Rumors"
All are welcomed to join us!
Christian Outreach
Planning on February 28st to do a "High Five" at the Elementary School in Primghar. Serve Breakfast to Teachers at 7:30 am
Quilting Group
Meeting on Tuesday afternoons at 1:00pm
Anyone is welcomed to come and help out - even if it's just cutting out squares.
Sunday School
We have 7 students in Sunday School. We are studying the lessons of the Old Testament.
March 14th - Bowling in Sanborn. LYC pays for bowling. Kids pay for drinks/food.
If any high school youth (grades 8-12) would like to attend our youth group, please contact Jenny or Darin Johnson
Join Us!
Sunday Bible Study
All are welcome!
Everyone is invited to join us on Sundays at 9:15 am
Begin studying the Book of Matthew
Join Us!
Women's Bible Study
Starting January 26th @ 4:00 pm @ Bethel Lutheran Church
New Bible Study is an 8 week course
"Wellness Revelation"
Hosted by Tonya Oolman and Christian Outreach
Saturday, February 22nd
"Bible and Bacon" Men's Bible Study at Bethel Lutheran Church
8:30am-9:00am Fellowship Breakfast
9:00am - 10:00am Bible Study
"Miracles" in the book of John
Tuesday Nights @ 7:00 pm
Women's Bible Study
led by Gayleen Meyer